Wondering which left handed Larrivee guitars are currently available? Well, you’re in the right place!
Larrivée is a family-owned and operated Canadian guitar manufacturer that specializes in acoustic guitars. The brand was founded in 1967 by Jean Larrivee.
I recently sent out an email to most of the bigger guitar brands asking about left handed guitars. The response I received from Larrivée was the one that impressed me the most. They really seem to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that lefty players are not excluded.
You see, Larrivée offers every single one of their guitars as a left handed option, and at no additional cost!
Here is the reply I received from Matt Larrivée to my question – “Why don’t guitar manufacturers produce their entire product line with a left handed option?”
“For us the issue is a non-issue because we offer everything we make in a left handed version, regardless of expense and without additional cost. We believe that anything else is in essence discrimination. For some models the cost is huge! And we’ll literally spend 2000-3000 dollars to make one $2000 instrument. With Larrivee, lefties usually just face a larger delay than their right handed counterparts. This is because right handed models are stocked, where as the lefties often have to be pulled from production to ensure a fresh un-aged guitar.
Acoustic non cutaways are extremely easy to make lefty, because no special tooling or minimal tooling is required. Cutaway lefties require about new tooling to be built for the cutaway. The tooling is usually in the form of CNC jigs, or medium density fiberboard jigs.
Electric lefties are far more challenging because we don’t manufacturer all the parts ourselves. We have limitations of other manufacturers. For example, potentiometer manufacturers do not manufacture long shaft lefty pots, so we have to custom make the pots. Also plastic injection mold companies don’t want to make lefty knobs, etc. We had to do A LOT of research and duplicate left handed versions of ALL of our jigs. It was a $30000 endeavour.
Mandolins are also extremely complex because of their 3d curves.”

So as you can see, Larrivee is extremely committed to a non-discriminatory business practice despite the huge extra costs involved.
Larrivee Left Handed Guitars
Apologies for not including a model list as I have done with other brands. However, seeing as their entire line is available left handed, you may as well just head over to the Larrivee website and take your pick from there.
Larrivee is mostly known for their acoustic guitars. However, make sure to take a look at their mandolin and electric guitar range which is also available left handed at no additional cost.

In light of their support of left handed players I did find it a tad strange that their website makes no mention of any left handed models. However, Hopefully, that will be amended in the next revision of the site.
It’s fantastic that they make so many left handed guitars, but if you don’t tell anyone about it…
For more information
Larrivée Guitars Website
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