So What is all About?
Welcome, fellow southpaws!

LeftyFretz is a website aimed solely at left handed guitar players. Righties? You can hang, but remember – here, left is the new right!
Being a left-handed musician in a righty-dominated world can sometimes make you feel like a fish out of water. And oh, the heartbreak of drooling over gear reviews when we know full-well that most of the gear will never be available to us. The struggle is real, fellow southpaw strummers!
This is where LeftyFretz steps in! Everything you read on this website will apply to YOU as a lefty musician. Any guitars I talk about will be available left handed, any gear I review will be applicable to lefties, any artists I interview will be southpaws…you get the picture!
Hopefully you’ll find the site to be a little bit of a lefty paradise.

It’s an unfortunate fact that many musicians feel that playing left handed puts you at a distinct disadvantage. LeftyFretz is here to show you that this is simply not the case anymore.
In fact, if anything, being a southpaw guitarist just makes things even more exciting and diverse. Embrace your lefty roots and stand out from the crowd!
Who Actually Runs This Site?
My name is Neal, and you’ll get no prizes for guessing that, like you, I’m a left handed guitarist. I’ve been playing guitar for over 20 years now, so I like to think that I know my stuff!

I started the website back in 2010 after becoming frustrated with the lack of resources and information available as a left-handed player. Over the years I’ve tried my best to make the site an invaluable asset for other southpaw guitarists.
Although LeftyFretz does sometimes feel like a full-time job, I do actually take part in gainful employment. For well over a decade now I have been working for a large guitar retailer as part of their marketing team.
Working there is an ideal fit for this site as I have easy access to all of the best gear, plus I often get a sneak peek at the latest releases way before most other people!

How do I Contact You?
Use the contact form located on the contact page. Please keep in mind that LeftyFretz is not a store, so please don’t send me emails asking to buy products featured on the site.
If there’s anything specific that you’d like to see on the site, (lessons, features etc..) feel free to get in touch.
How Do I Keep Track of Everything?
Take your pick! If you want to be instantly notified of when new articles are published, there are a variety of options available to you. Aside from you know…actually checking the site every day, you’ve got Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X.
You can also sign up for my email newsletter to stay in the loop.
Support The Site
If you’ve found this site to be of use over the years then you can help to keep it running by picking up our handy left handed chord book, which will teach you over 300 chords in a lefty friendly format!
Alternatively, why not buy me a coffee to help support the site?