Tokai is a Japanese manufacturer of guitars, founded in 1947 by Tadayouki Adachi. They produce a variety of different guitars and basses for all price ranges, and also currently build all of the solid body guitars for Fender Japan.
Tokai are famous for coming under fire from some of the bigger USA brands after making their own replica guitar designs which were said to be every bit as good as (if not better than) the guitars they were modelled after. These guitars, such as the ‘Love Rock’ models are now widely referred to as ‘lawsuit models’ and are very highly sought after.
Luckily us left handed guitarists aren’t left out of the loop as Tokai offer every single one of their guitars in a left handed version at no extra charge! You will need to most likely special order your guitar however.
Tokai Left Handed Guitars and Basses

This image represents a small sample selection of Tokai guitars and basses, so make sure to take a look at their website to see the full range of available guitars.
Tokai Website
As far as I can see, Tokai have two main websites – the Japanese one and a UK one. Neither make much mention of left handed options, so I was surprised to discover that they in fact offered all of their guitars in a lefty model. Customer service at the UK website was incredible, I absolutely recommend getting in touch with them if you have interest in their guitars.
For more information:
Tokai Guitars Website